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    相关产品: 进口三螺杆泵


英国GRIMM格林进口三螺杆泵 UK GRIMM Imported three screw pumps






流       量:0.4-360m3/h
压       力:1.0-2.5MPa
转       速:970-2900r/min
功       率:0.75-250kw
材       质:铸铁、不锈钢



UK GRIMM Imported three screw pumps summary:

           Imported three screw pumps belong to progressive progressive displacement pumps. The utility model is a high precision mechanical product. The utility model has the advantages of reasonable structure, simple structure, high speed, small pressure fluctuation, low noise, reliable work balance, good self suction and high volumetric efficiency. It has a wide application prospect both at home and abroad. With the aid of a screw, it continuously moves the liquid in the spiral space at the entrance to the outlet. Therefore, the utility model has better advantages than the gear pumps, the plunger pumps and the centrifugal pumps. Especially suitable for transporting oils and liquids of high viscosity.

        The import of three screw pump is widely used in transporting oil and oil products, such as crude oil, heavy oil, light oil, lubricating oil, fuel oil, asphalt, grease, vegetable oil; and liquid emulsion, syrup, liquid medicine, polymer and other non lubricating high viscosity. Therefore, it has been widely used in refineries, petrochemical plants, oil tanker terminals, asphalt reservoirs, power and hydraulic equipment, ships and light industry, food industry and other departments.

UK GRIMM Imported three screw pumps structure characteristics:

           Imported three screw pump is hardened by the three screw, installed in a replaceable bushing in the operation. The main rod is hydraulically balanced. The axial force of the rod is supported on the end cap and is driven by hydraulic pressure. As a result, the screw profile only delivers hydraulic torque, without force or wear, and is lubricated by the conveying medium for all transmission components. When the main screw of a spiral surface consisting of a special type is turned, the dynamic sealing chamber will absorb the liquid from the suction port and carry it continuously and without pulsation to the exhaust outlet in the axial direction. Three screw pump has a variety of structures. Generally small flow pump, bushing and pump body as one. Medium flow pump, the Bush is a separate part fixed in the pump body, the structure is horizontal and vertical two, equipped with random safety valve, there are two kinds of insulation and non thermal insulation. A large flow pump with a single liner attached to the pump body. The structure is vertical, double suction, equipped with random safety valve. Mechanical seals are adopted to ensure the sealing performance in high temperature.

       Imported three screw pump has the characteristics of less parts, less wearing parts, easy replacement of parts, etc., and the pump runs smoothly, with little noise and reliable work.

UK GRIMM Imported three screw pumps technical parameter:

Flow rate: 0.4-360m3/h

Pressure: 1.0-2.5MPa

Import caliber: 25-400mm

Export caliber: 20-300mm

Speed: 970-2900r/min

Power: 0.75-250kw

Material: cast iron, stainless steel

UK GRIMM Imported three screw pumps scope of application:

          The import of three screw pump is widely used in transporting oil and oil products, such as crude oil, heavy oil, light oil, lubricating oil, fuel oil, asphalt, grease, vegetable oil; and liquid emulsion, syrup, liquid medicine, polymer and other non lubricating high viscosity. Therefore, it has been widely used in refineries, petrochemical plants, oil tanker terminals, asphalt reservoirs, power and hydraulic equipment, ships and light industry, food industry and other departments.

欢迎来到上海秉奇阀门有限公司网站,我公司位于历史文化悠久,近代城市文化底蕴深厚,历史古迹众多,有“东方巴黎”美称的上海市。 具体地址是上海奉贤南桥金海公路,负责人是黄先生。
联系电话是021-51698378, 主要经营主导阀门产品有:球阀、角座阀、针型阀、截止阀、疏水阀、调节阀等系列;主导水泵产品有:排污泵、多级泵、离心泵、隔膜泵、管道泵、离心泵、磁力泵、往复泵、计量泵等系列。。
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