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  • 产品价格:面议
  • 发货地址:上海奉贤南桥 包装说明:不限
  • 产品数量:100.00 台产品规格:不限
  • 信息编号:104452986公司编号:6544231
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    相关产品: 进口双螺杆泵


英国GRIMM格林进口双螺杆泵 UK GRIMM Imported twin screw pump






流       量:0.8-160m3/h
转       速:750-1450rpm
功       率:0.5-160kw
粘       度:100000mm2/s



UK GRIMM Imported twin screw pump summary:

           Imported double screw pump in the work process, the seal cavity is formed between the screw and screw and two screw and liner hole, liquid through the entrance into the pump, and then into the seal cavity, with the rotary motion of the screw, the inlet steady is transported to the outlet. The relative position of the lining hole is positioned by the stopper, the screw shaft is supported by the bearing, and the contact between the screw rod and the screw rod and the screw rod and the lining hole are not contacted during the operation. As a result, the pump allows for short periods of dry running and permits the delivery of various liquid mediums (such as non Newtonian fluids, lubricating fluids, non lubricating liquids, etc.). Because of the special design and the inlet channel when the liquid axial velocity is relatively small, so the pump NPSHr value is very small, self-priming ability good. The bearing and the synchronous gear are lubricated by gear oil in the gear box.

        The utility model can conveniently remove the connecting screw of the pump body, so as to directly clean the pump body, the spiral sleeve and the mechanical seal, and the overflow part has no dead angle. Pumps can be cleaned or sterilized by steam or other medium at temperatures below 180 degrees celsius. The outlet of the pump is ready to install security measures (such as overflow valve, pressure control valve, safety valve etc.). If necessary, the pump unit can be supplied as mobile (the chassis consists of four small wheels and a traction handrail).

UK GRIMM Imported twin screw pump characteristic:

1.Advanced structure, superior performance: to change the traditional high voltage balancing technology, from the axial force rod pressure balance device is adopted, the main force balance, uniform screw deformation, stable and reliable operation, no pulse, low noise;

2.Unique design, sealed reliable: the pump adopts mechanical seal form, the sealing cavity pressure and suction pressure interlinked, at the same time, the structure design on the sealing full cooling cycle, ensure the sealing effect, no leakage;

3.Optimization, appearance: to change the traditional import and export position, makes the import and export distribution in the pump side and into a straight line, beautiful shape, at the same time in design innovation, without changing the pipeline can realize the exchange of import and export on site;

4.Pump core components, easy maintenance and replacement parts: pump structure is simple and compact, the pump core assembly adopts a modular structure, can be taken out, easy to maintain and repair;

5.Safety valve components, protect product safety: products with safety valve can instantly protect the pump, overload, but can not be used as overflow valve of the pipeline;

6.Import and export a variety of combinations to facilitate on-site pipe connection;

7.A variety of installation methods to better meet the working conditions of installation requirements.

UK GRIMM Imported twin screw pump technical parameter:

Flow rate: 0.8-160m3/h

Working pressure: 1.2Mpa

Speed: 750-1450rpm

Power: 0.5-160kw

Service temperature: 150 DEG C

Viscosity: 100000mm2/s

Suction height: 8m;

Shell pressure: 1.6Mpa

UK GRIMM Imported twin screw pump application area:

Petroleum Industry: all kinds of lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, heavy oil, residual oil, crude oil and diesel oil.

Chemical industry: various acids, bases, salts, resins, glycerin, paraffin wax and other chemicals.

Paint industry: ink, various paint, pigment, paint, etc..

Food industry: alcohol, liquor, honey, syrup, toothpaste, milk, cream, soy sauce, animal and vegetable oils, etc..

Building materials industry: all kinds of heavy oil, residual oil, coal tar, etc..

欢迎来到上海秉奇阀门有限公司网站,我公司位于历史文化悠久,近代城市文化底蕴深厚,历史古迹众多,有“东方巴黎”美称的上海市。 具体地址是上海奉贤南桥金海公路,负责人是黄先生。
联系电话是021-51698378, 主要经营主导阀门产品有:球阀、角座阀、针型阀、截止阀、疏水阀、调节阀等系列;主导水泵产品有:排污泵、多级泵、离心泵、隔膜泵、管道泵、离心泵、磁力泵、往复泵、计量泵等系列。。
单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。

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